Abstracts for the 6th International GAME Conf.

3-5 December 2004

Kyoto Japan

Progress in understanding of precipitation systems along the Meiyu/Baiu front during GAME and GAME II

Hiroshi Uyeda (1), Taro Shinoda (1), Takeshi Maesaka (1)

Intensive field experiments on precipitation systems along the Meiyu front during GAME/HUBEX and the following projects revealed the characteristics of cloud and precipitation over China continent. In GAME/HUBEX, structure of two types of precipitation systems, 1) moved northward with shallow precipitation lines in the south of the Meiyu front and 2) moved southward with tall convection lines along the Meiyu front, are revealed in detail. In the experiment in the downstream of Yangtze River, after the GAME/HUBEX, development processes of precipitation systems along the Meiyu front are studied in detail. Significant development of precipitation systems in the downstream of Yangtze River and their maintenance over East China Sea are recognized. Another independent field experiments over China, East China Sea and west of Kyushu Island are helping to have linked concept on the Meiyu/Baiu frontal precipitation systems. At the same time, importance of understanding on the development of convective clouds in the south of the Meiyu/Baiu front is emphasized because the cloud development in a very moist condition is the significant characteristics of cloud and precipitation of East Asia. Relation between moist land surface and cloud development is becoming one of the important topics in GAME and GAME II. We aim to give a brief summary of the experiments on precipitation systems relating to the Meiyu/Baiu front in order to have synthesized understandings on cloud and precipitation over Asian Monsoon area. Reminding the recent development of observation network relating to GAME and GAME-II, we would like to discuss the future plan of observation network in East Asia and Southeast Asia for understanding Asian Monsoon and climate change.

Submittal Information

Name : Date :
    Hiroshi Uyeda
Organization : Theme :
    Hydroshperic Atmospheric Research Center, Nagoya@University
    Theme 2
Address : Presentation :
    Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601
    Poster or oral
Country : Abstract ID :
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