Abstracts for the 6th International GAME Conf.

3-5 December 2004

Kyoto Japan

Cyclone activity associated with the interannual seesaw of summer precipitaion in northern Eurasia.

Yoshiki Fukutomi (1), Kooiti Masuda (1), Tetsuzo Yasunari (3)

An east--west seesaw alternation of dry and wet extremes is a marked characteristic of interannual variability of summer precipitation in Siberia. This study examines mid-tropospheric cyclone activity and cyclone tracks involved in two opposite phases of the precipitation seesaw that are out-of-phase with each other. A composite analysis is performed on the cyclone frequency and cyclone tracks for these phases. The results present a coherent picture of cyclone behavior with the east-west contrastive structure of the summer precipitation distribution over northern Eurasia. Composite field of anomalous cyclone frequency exhibits quite similar east-west dipole pattern across northern Eurasia with that of precipitation. The number of cyclones increases (decreases) in the vicinity of above (below) normal precipitation region. Tracks of cyclones moving into the Siberian domain for the ES-wet--WS-dry phases pass trough central Siberia, and mainly originate in the WS region and Kara Sea. Those for the WS-wet--ES-dry phases cross predominantly over WS, and these systems come from European Russia and Barents Sea. The interannual variability of the summer cyclone frequency in the WS (ES) box significantly correlates with that of the basin-averaged summer precipitation for WS (ES). In summary, our results suggest that the appearance of the Siberian precipitation seesaw pattern strongly depends on the high-latitude cyclone activity.

Submittal Information

Name : Date :
    Yoshiki Fukutomi
Organization : Theme :
    Theme 2
Address : Presentation :
    3173-25 Showa-machi, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 236-0001
    Poster or oral
Country : Abstract ID :
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