Abstracts for the 6th International GAME Conf.

3-5 December 2004

Kyoto Japan

Temperature Inversions over the pre-monsoon Indochina Peninsula and their role in the seasonal transition

Shin-Ya Ogino (1), Yoshihiro Tachibana (2), Eisho Azuma (3), Yuko Kamiakito (3)

The Indochina peninsula is the peculiar region where the rainy season starts earliest among the other Asian monsoon regions. To clarify the reason for this peculiarity is one of the most important issues among the Asian monsoon studies. Several processes which control the beginning of the rainy season over the Indochina peninsula are considered: large scale subsidence, temperature inversion, transported humid air from the ocean, sensible heat flux, synoptic scale disturbances propagating from mid-latitude, and so on. Among these processes, the role of temperature inversion is of our interest. Characteristics of several days variations in intensity and height of strong stable layers which frequently appear over the Indochina Peninsula in the dry season were described and physical mechanism of the variations were examined by thermal and moisture budget analysis. We found that the vertical advection of temperature is one of the important processes which cause the several days variations of strong stable layers heights. However the actual descending speed of the strong stable layer is not consistent with that expected from the downward advection process. This inconsistency will be discussed in the presentation.

Submittal Information

Name : Date :
    Dr. Shin-Ya Ogino
Organization : Theme :
    Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University
    Theme 3
Address : Presentation :
    Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
    Only poster
Country : Abstract ID :
Phone : Fax :
    +81 78 803 6558
    +81 78 803 5787
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