Abstracts for the 6th International GAME Conf.

3-5 December 2004

Kyoto Japan

Dynamics of Multiple Horizontal Convections over the Maritime Continent

M. D. Yamanaka (1)

Recent observational studies of our group mainly over the Indonesian maritime continent request us to reconsider importance of horizontal convections such as meridional (Hadley and monsoon) circulations and local (sea-land and mountain-valley) circulations, which have been studied separately in large- and small-scale dynamics. The general solutions of Boussinesq equations provide a unified view for the horizontal convections from local to planetary scales and interaction mechanisms among local, regional and meridional circulations and those between stationary, travelling (wavy) and transient (unstable) components. The wavy and unstable components may be recognized as intraseasonal variations and individual cloud systems, respectively. Applications to observations are also suggested.

Submittal Information

Name : Date :
    Manabu D. Yamanaka
Organization : Theme :
    IORGC/JAMSTEC, GSST/Kobe University
    Theme 3
Address : Presentation :
    657-8501 Kobe
    Poster or oral
Country : Abstract ID :
Phone : Fax :
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