Abstracts for the 6th International GAME Conf.

3-5 December 2004

Kyoto Japan

Cloud statistics over eastern China during GAME-IOP as seen from TRMM TMI

Nobuhiko ENDO (1)

An integrated data set with simultaneous observations at the surface, from radiosonde and from satellites, was collected over eastern China during the GAME-IOP. We analyze the cloud type, cloud amount, cloud vertical structure (CVS), and so on. We select orbits which TRMM pass over eastern China near 00/06/12/18 UTC. Then TRMM TMI 2A12 products (Ver.6) and ISCCP DX (GMS-5) datasets are re-gridded on 0.5 degree boxes. We compile collocated dataset from two satellite products, surface weather observations and cloud vertical structure estimated from radiosonde observations. Spatial distribution of cloudy pixels are well corresponded with TMI and ISCCP DX during daytime. However, cloud water path (column total cloud water) is very different between two satellites products. Cloud water path of TMI are larger than that of ISCCP around and in deep convective clouds. On the other hand, Cloud water path of TMI are smaller in other area. One cause of these CWP differences may due to the use of different frequency. Clouds are often formed in different levels. Cloud vertical structure estimated from radiosonde clearly indicate that there are single-layer and multi-layered cloud distribution. TMI frequently missed lower shallow clouds observed by surface observer and estimated CVS from radiosonde. ISCCP DX also does not captured in lower clouds in Meiyu frontal zone because deep convective cloud covers broad region.

Submittal Information

Name : Date :
    Nobuhiko ENDO
Organization : Theme :
    Frontier Research Center for Global Change, JAMSTEC
    Theme 8
Address : Presentation :
    3173-25 Showa-machi, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa
    Poster or oral
Country : Abstract ID :
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