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Date:  Mon, 4 Oct 1999 16:49:08 +0900
From:  Tetsuo OHATA <>
Subject:  [game-jp:0099] MAGS-GAME Joint Workshop, Nov.25-27, Edmonton 
Message-Id:  <>
X-Mail-Count: 00099


の会は一応closed meetingであり、シベリア班を中心として計画を練ってきましたが


(updated: September 3, 1999)

Dates:       November 25-27, 1999
Location:  Edmonton, Alberta
Hotel:       Delta Edmonton, Centre Suite Hotel
	     10222 102nd Street, Edmonton T5J 4C5
	     phone: 780-429-3900; fax: 780-428-1566

1. Objectives:

Exchange information about the activities of each project.
Compare relevant studies within the two projects.
Discuss future plans for cold region studies.

2. Funding:

Publication charges for workshop report to be decided. 
  (Frontier Research System for Global Change may cover.)
Meeting room costs to be shared.  Estimated costs to be $400-$800.
Ice-breaker/reception costs to be determined and to be shared.
Coffee breaks to be shared (Campbell Scientific has donated $500 towards
the costs)

3.  Accommodation and Reservations

Hotel rooms are $89 for 1-room suite and $104 for a 2-bedroom suite.

Individual reservations can be made by contacting the hotel reservations
department directly at (780)  429-3900 or by 1-800-661-6655 (in Canada).
Callers must mention 
the group name  "MAGS-GAME International Workshop" to ensure they receive
the appropriate rate and are included in the guest room block.

4. Report:

Extended abstracts of 1-4 pages to be requested and due at the time of the
workshop.   To be published as a workshop report,  format of abstracts and
report to be determined later.

5. Workshop Structure (draft):

a. Welcome:
   (for example, Jim Vollmeshauesen of PNR [Prairie and Northern Region],

b. Opening Comments:

c. Presentation Areas:
Overviews of GAME and MAGS
Atmospheric processes and precipitation
Land surface processes in forested and tundra regions
Atmospheric and hydrological models
Remote sensing studies
Data management/exchange

d. Break-out sessions on future activities:

e. Plenary:

6.  Workshop Completion:

The workshop must be completed by 4 pm on Saturday, Nov 27.

7. Participants:

GAME (Japanese): 15
GAME (Russian): 5
MAGS:  about 20
Invited guests: may be about 5

8. Needed Actions:

Identify participants from MAGS and GAME [Tibet, Siberia] along with topic
areas.   Hope to agree on these by end of August.

GAME Participants:(Presentation title being surveyed)
Tetsuo Ohata(Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University)
Tetsuzou Yasunari(Faculty of Geoscience, Tsukuba University)
Toshio Koike(Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo)
Yuji Kodama(Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University)
Yoshiyuki Ishii(Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University)
Takeshi Ohta(Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University)
Junpei Kubota(Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and
Yoshiyuki Fukushima(Institute of Hydrological-Atmospheric Sciences, Nagoya
Tetsuya Hiyama(Institute of Hydrological-Atmospheric Sciences, Nagoya
Shouta Emori(National Institute of Environmental Science, Environmental
Atsuko Sugimoto(Ecoclogical Research Center, Kyoto University)
Rikiei Suzuki(Frontier Research System for Global Change)
Takeshi Yamazaki(Faculty of Science, Tohoku University)
Ken Yoshikawa(Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University)

[Russians and others]
Alexander Georgiadi(Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Sergei Zhuravin (State Hydrological Institute, Roshydromet)
Vlachyev Razuvaev (World Data Center, Roshydromet)
Alexander Fedorov (Permafrost Institute, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy
of Sciences)
Trofim Maximov (Yakutsk Institute of Biology, Siberian Branch, Russian
Academy of Sciences)
Yang Daqing(Water Research Center, University of Alaska)

MAGS Participants (Being Updated):

Alan Barr		Surface fluxes observed over the boreal forest
Han Ru Cho		Climate systems and their sensitivity to surface features
Bob Crawford		Data management and exchange for MAGS
David Hudak		Using radar to observe clouds and precipitation within MAGS
Bob Kochtubajda 	Lightning over forested areas of the Mackenzie basin
John Gyakum		Cyclonic systems, convection, cold air development and MAGS
Henry Leighton	Satellite-derived surface solar radiation over the Mackenzie
Paul Louie		Precipitation over the Mackenzie basin
Phil Marsh		Snowmelt over the Mackenzie basin
John Pomeroy		Snowcover evolution during the winter
Terry Prowse		Ice jams and sub-surface storage of water
Hal Ritchie		NWP model capabilities over mid to high latitudes
Wayne Rouse		The role of lakes in cold region climates
Bill Schertzer		Modelling of lakes in cold regions
Ric Soulis		Hydrological modelling for cold climate systems
Ron Stewart		The Mackenzie Basin climate system
Geoff Strong		The moisture budget and its diurnal cycle over northern regions
Peter Taylor		Boundary layer processes and the cold climate system
Diana Verseghy	Land surface modelling
Anne Walker		Snowcover estimation from satellites
Hok Woo		The role of permafrost for the climate system
Peter Yau 		High resolution cloud simulations over MAGS (or Gerhard Reuter)

Invited Guests (proposed):

Tom Cottrell		Exec. Dir.;  Mackenzie River Basin Board
Ed Hudson		PNR - Arctic Forecast Centre 
Mike Flannigan	Scientist,  Northern Foresty Research Centre 
Claude Labine		Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corp.
Shauna Sigurdson	PNR - Chief, Atmospheric and Hydrologic Sciences Division 

9.  Scientific Program Committee

MAGS and GAME Science Committee Members

10.  Local Arrangements

Bob Kochtubajda

Ph: 	780 - 951-8811
FAX:  	780 - 951-8634


11.  Flight Information for MAGS Participants

For those coming from Eastern Canada, it may be possible to fly home on the
evening of Nov 27th.  For example, Air Canada's last flights for Toronto
leave at 1740 (arrival 2310) and 2315 (arrival 0610), and Canadian
Airlines' leave at 1600 (arrival 2331) and 1105 (arrival 0608). 

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