Abstracts for the 5th International GAME Conf.

3-5 October 2001

Aichi Trade Center

Nagoya Japan

Spatial scales relevant to the heat and scalar transports over Siberian Taiga forest revealed with the aircraft observation

Asanuma, Jun (1), Hiyama, Tetsuya (2), Mikhail Strunin (3)

Aircraft observations of the turbulence heat and scalar fluxes as well as the surface radiative temperature was conducted during GAME-Siberia Yaktsuku IOP in the early summer of 2000, in order to identify 1) the regionally averaged surface flux of the sensible and latent heat and carbon dioxicide over the Siberian taiga forest, 2) the distribution of these fluxes in correspondence with that of the surface features, and 3) the difference in the boundary layer development over the different surface features. This paper discusses the characteristic length scale revealed by the surface radiatve temperature and its effect on the characteristic length scale relvant to the heat and scalar fluxes.

Submittal Information

Name : Date :
    Jun Asanuma
Organization : Theme :
    Terrestrial Environment Research Center, Tsukuba Univ.
    Theme 2
Address : Presentation :
    Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577
    Poster or oral
Country : Abstract ID :
Phone : Fax :
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