Abstracts for the 5th International GAME Conf.

3-5 October 2001

Aichi Trade Center

Nagoya Japan

Mobile Turbulence Measurements of Heat Fluxes over Tibetan Plateau

Asanuma, Jun (1), Ishikawa, Hirohiko (2), Tamagawa, Ichiro (3), GAME-Tibet Boundary Layer Group (1)

During the GAME-Tibet IOP in 1998, an attempt was made to measure turbulence fluxes of the latent heat as well as the sensible heat using an measurement configuration that was designed to be minimum, light and portable. This measurement strategy, called "Mobile Turbulence Measurement", is aimed, 1) to calibrate energy transfer coefficients for each of the Tibetan AWS array located along the North-south Tibetan highway, which would reveal the latitudinal distribution of the surface energy components, and 2) to serve as a reference for the intercomparison between the flux values measured at two sites, Amdo flux site and Naqu flux site, where the surface energy components were fully measured. The measurement system, all of which is battery powered, includes an 3D sonic anemometer, capacitance-type humidity sensors, a portable logger and a tripod. All of the data was logged at 10 Hz, and was stored in a specially designed logger. The measurements with this system at four sites, two full flux measurements sites and two AWS sites, yields about 180 hours of turbulence data; two to three days of measurements at each station. Sensible heat flux was computed with the ordinary eddy covariance method applied the sonic measurement data, while latent heat flux was estimated through some indirect method such as the bandpass covariance technique. The presentation will mainly focus on the result of bandpass covariance technique as well as the comparison with other indirect techniques.

Submittal Information

Name : Date :
    Jun Asanuma
Organization : Theme :
    Terrestrial Environment Research Center, Tsukuba Univ.
    Theme 2
Address : Presentation :
    Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577
    Poster or oral
Country : Abstract ID :
Phone : Fax :
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