Abstracts for the 5th International GAME Conf.

3-5 October 2001

Aichi Trade Center

Nagoya Japan

Factors on the Development of Deep Convection in the Southern Region far from the Baiu Front over Eastern China during the GAME/HUBEX IOP '98

Taro Shinoda (1), Hiroshi Uyeda (1)

A meridional convergence of water vapor flux within the Baiu frontal region causes the heavy precipitation. This convergence is brought about by a strong northward horizontal transport of water vapor. It is important to clarify the transport process and the source of water vapor in the southern region far from the Baiu front. This region is covered by the Pacific subtropical high and there is no large-scale convergence. Meanwhile, diurnal variation of convective activity was observed over this region during the GAME/HUBEX IOP. We use a numerical simulation to investigate the factors concerning the development process of deep convection in the southern region far from the Baiu front over eastern China during the summer monsoon season. This study employs a two-dimensional compressible cloud resolving model developed by Yoshizaki and Ogura (1988) with some modifications. We simulate a convective cloud system observed by Doppler radar on July 14, 1998. A convective mixing layer develops as a result of the supply of sensible heat flux from the surface, and initial shallow convective clouds are generated in the early afternoon. After the generation of these clouds, some of them develop into deep convective clouds. The simulated characteristics of deep convection correspond to the observed ones. From simulating results, when paddy fields mainly occupy as the surface boundary, a large amount of latent heat flux is given off to the lower atmosphere, and deep convective clouds are generated in the afternoon. On the other hand, when farmlands mainly occupy as the surface boundary, the sensible heat flux is greater than the latent heat flux, and deep convective clouds do not develop. Therefore, a large amount of latent heat flux from paddy fields affects the development of deep convection. From simulating results, when the environment in the middle troposhere is humid (RH > 80%), shallow convective clouds can develop into deep convective clouds because they do not lose its positive buoyancy by evaporation cooling. On the other hand, when the environment in the middle troposhere is relatively dry, shallow convective clouds cannot develop into a deep convective cloud because they do not maintain its positive buoyancy. However, these shallow convective clouds moisten the environment in the middle troposhere by evaporation when they disappear. These moist air masses in the middle troposhere moves into the Baiu frontal region by the monsoon southerly and we can see these moist air masses by the propagation of convective cloud regions that generate in the afternoon over the China continent. We study the factors in the development of deep convection in the southern region far from the Baiu front over eastern China during the summer monsoon season. A large amount of latent heat flux from paddy fields and the moist environment in the middle troposhere are suitable conditions for developing deep convective clouds over this region. This moist environment in the middle troposhere is formed by shallow convective clouds that transport water vapor from the convective mixing layer to the middle troposhere. This moist air mass extended from the lower to middle troposhere eventually merges into the Baiu frontal region and supplies water vapor to it.

Submittal Information

Name : Date :
    Taro Shinoda
Organization : Theme :
    Hydrospheric Atmospheric Research Center, Nagoya University
    Theme 2
Address : Presentation :
    Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8601
    Poster or oral
Country : Abstract ID :
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