Abstracts for the 5th International GAME Conf.

3-5 October 2001

Aichi Trade Center

Nagoya Japan


Ozerov,Nokolai (1), Malyshev, Vladislav (1)

The remote sensing is efficient for evaluation and classification of the main landscape types over tundra polygon also and for creation of digital map series taken into consideration seasonal cycle changes in Suonannaakh river basin (vicinity of Tiksi). Under the project, the great attention has paid to snow cover distribution and dynamics of snow melting assessment in snow melted period. The remote sensing measurements were carried out by an equipment complex from the board of helicopter MI-8. The survey was done from the height of 1500 m. An equipment complex consists of: · Spectrometer (ÌS-04), registered the surface reflectance characteristics in absolute reflectance value - spectral radiance L (W/sq.sm*sr*nm) in a range 0.4 - 0.83 microns with high spectral resolution (1-2 nm). Due to angle of device view from the height of 1500 m the spectral survey was done with 183*39 m resolution on the ground. The scanning of whole spectral range (0.4-0.8 mm) with spectral resolution 1 nm taken for 0.4 sec gave chance to obtain the reflectance value in 450 channals. · Digital video camera (DCR VX 1000) worked in RGB channels. · Radiometer (Termo point) measured the surface temperature in range of 8 -14 microns in grad of Celsius. Discretion of measurements by the radiometer and spectrometer was equal to 1 sec. The registering of measurement results and managing of survey have done by PÑ Notebook. The measurements were carried out on seven routes laid from northeast to southwest and superimposed on topographic map in scale 1:100000. GPS system were installed on a helicopter board for registering routes during the flight. The amount of survey routes was determined by necessity of producing the information over experimental polygon in Suonannaakh river basin. The distance between routes was equal to 1 km. Cluster analysis and classification of surface types based on the reflective characteristics in measurement routes allowed to divide the surface into two main types: · broken-stony - stony surface, covered by lichen-moss vegetation; · and surface with moss-herbaceous plants. On the next analysis stage, these two main types will be possible to divide into classes determined by state and composition of vegetation cover. Fields of absolute reflectance value have accounted for determined surface types and classes. The mosaics of video images over measurement routes and over whole polygon based on results of video survey was done. Interpretation of video mosaics allow to classify the surface types and to account areas covered by snow before snow melted period and at the end of snow melted period. The analysis of spectral reflectance information accompanied by video images allows to evaluate the heterogeneity degree of surface in details. Further, it will be possible to compile the schematic map of radiance fields over the polygon based on such analysis.

Submittal Information

Name : Date :
    Dr. Malyshev, Vladislav
Organization : Theme :
    Institute of Geography Russian Academy of Sciences
    Theme 4
Address : Presentation :
    29 Staromonetny per., Moscow, Russia, 109017
    Poster or oral
Country : Abstract ID :
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